Xing Fu Tang is Now Certified Halal By Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI)!
What we've been waiting for!

Good news to all bubble tea fans right here! Today, we’re bringing you all a piece of exciting news that might as well ease all your concerns. Prepare your confetti because Xing Fu Tang is now officially Halal-certified by Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

Xing Fu Tang Is Now Officially Halal And Is Waiting For Conversion To Malaysia Branches
This is a breakthrough scene among the bubble milk tea outlets, considering many of the familiar brands out there are not Halal-certified.
Well fret not my friends, Xing Fu Tang is now suitable for everyone in Malaysia that includes all our Muslim foodies! Just in case you need a final confirmation, here’s the reference number posted on the official page: No. 03130016420617. Keep in mind that the certificate will only be valid from 25th of June 2019 to 24th of June 2021.
Halal Certification By JAKIM Is In Progress For Malaysian Branches
Although it’s already certified halal by Indonesian Ulema Council, Xing Fu Tang still needs to go through the final steps to convert the certification to the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM) before it’s applicable to Malaysia branches. To check on their latest halal certification status, you may refer to