Milk Chocolate Bars Made With Durians Are Now Available, So Wild

We have so many different seasons in Malaysia, and we’re not talking about the weather. One of the most well-known season in Malaysia is none other than the durian season. It is the best, friends and family gathering around the king of fruits feels great. And, when there are fresh durians, there will always be dishes that incorporate the spiky fruit.
Milk Chocolate Bars Made With Durians Are Now Available

People are getting very innovative when it comes to mixing fresh durians into their dishes. We are talking about cendol with durians, roti canai with durians, and even chicken chop with durian sauce. Honestly, innovative is an understatement. One of the biggest chocolate brands in Malaysia has decided to jump into the bandwagon as well. Introducing milk chocolate bars made with durians!

Cadbury made all Malaysians feel super special as they have invented a brand new flavour just for us. The blue and yellow packaging holds a 165-gram milk bar made with durians. We have first spotted in Shopee. The brand new flavour is selling for RM 17 for two pieces. According to the page, no one bought the milk chocolate bar with durian yet, and there are more 90 pieces available at the time of this writing.
Made Especially For Malaysians

If you cannot get enough of durians, perhaps this is something that you would like to try. We imagine that this may cause your body to be a little heaty. But, we think that this might be a genius way to preserve durians for the long run. You know, just in case you’re feeling like having durians in November. What do you think? Will you try out this brand new product? Let us know in the comments!
Read This Honest Business Owner In Kedah Weighs The Durian Without Its Shell