Previously, we’ve written about the re-release announcement of Avengers: Endgame and lots of people were wondering if it’s real or not. Today we’re here to tell you the good news! Read until the end, it’s worth it, we have end-credits of our own!
Avengers: Endgame Bring Back Event’s Tickets In Malaysia Are On Sale!
We’ve seen comments that asked “Really? Don’t get my hopes up” or ” Is it true?”. We stuck our eyes onto GSCinemas, TGV Cinemas and MBO Cinema’s Facebook Page for their announcement just for you! This time none were let down as they’ve officially announced the Bring Back Event that’ll start on the 29th of June 2019!
Available in All MBO, GSC, TGV Malaysia
As of this writing, GSCinemas and MBO Cinemas Malaysia have already out their tickets on sale. However, TGV Cinemas are still keeping the trump card and asked for our patience for the release of tickets to watch Avengers: Endgame Bring Back Event.
Not only this re-release is a final push to achieve number one spot at the highest grossing film worldwide of all time, but it’s also a refreshment before the release of Spiderman: Far From Home. There’ll be a deleted scene of end-credit as well as a sneak preview of Spiderman: Far From Home.
Re-Release Of Avengers: Endgame In Malaysia Is Bringing Up The Heat!
Congratulations, you’ve made it, you are indeed the chosen one, here you go: Some said the end-credit will be featuring Captain America traveling back to deliver the Infinity Stones, some said it will feature Iron Man’s (Tony Stark) final wish, which one would interest and excite you the most?
Read Also: Tealive Malaysia Is Having Buy One Free One Promotion (Here’s How)