Are you as big of a bubble tea fan as this couple? Instead of serving alcohol, this wedding serves bubble tea to all their guests. This concoction of goodness became an insane hit during the wedding according to the bride, Shirley Hellos. She really did make the bubble tea at a wedding dream come true on her own special day.
“Don’t Let Your Dreams Just Be Dreams. Especially On Your Big Day” – Shirley Hellos

To avoid serving soggy and warm boba to their guest, this couple has a live catering from Chatime at their wedding during cocktail hour. With the live catering by a local Chatime, they’re able to serve freshly made drinks. It was such a big hit that even the manager was serving their guests as well.
There are now more options for drinks to serve your guests on your special day now instead of just serving alcohol and soft drinks. I’m slightly alcohol intolerant hence this option would help me a lot during a wedding. While alcohol can be quite expensive to serve at a wedding, bubble tea may be slightly more budget-friendly and you won’t get too many drunk guests.

You can view her post here on Facebook. What do you think? Are you having your own wedding soon and will you be having bubble tea during your special day as well? Since this bubble tea trend is still so big, I’m sure it’ll be a big hit during your wedding as well. Leave us a comment below and let us know if you love bubble tea this much and is this your dream as well.